“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust.”
— Roger A. Caras
Code of Ethics.
Breeders will maintain the best possible standard of care for their dogs and puppies. This includes proper and adequate diet, clean living conditions and proper vet care. Humane living conditions, including adequate space for living and exercise are required.
No female will be bred prior to 12 months of age. No male will be bred prior to 8 months of age. Females will have a maximum of 6 litters and then they will be spayed. Breeders will offer a minimum of a 1 year health guarantee on all puppies sold.
The APKC® is dedicated to producing small Husky-like dogs of sound health and temperament; this does not include teacup sizing. While we recognize that Pomsky weights can fluctuate, breeding dogs should align with the APKC breed standard, which does not support breeding undersized dogs. To protect the health of breeding females, purposefully breeding "teacup" Pomskies in the 3-8 lb range is not allowed or recognized by the APKC®.
Puppies will be sold on a strict spay/neuter agreement unless the new owner has been carefully reviewed and is willing to uphold APKC® breeding standards. Offering puppies with open breeding rights is not authorized.
Breeders will only sell dogs in good health and will offer either a full refund or a replacement puppy if puppy has a genetic health issue of any kind within the first 72 hours (Barring injuries or illnesses occurring after the puppy arrives to his/her new home).
Breeders will be available for questions and concerns for the lifetime of the puppy.
Breeders will be honest in their dealings, disclosing all information that they have about a dog or pedigree, including concerns about health, temperament, or husbandry.
Breeders agree to follow their veterinarian’s recommendations for health testing and vaccination, and to share those recommendations and results with anyone who asks. Puppies will have at least 1 exam by a certified vet prior to going to their permanent home.
Breeders will do their best to learn and grow as a breeder by studying scientific sources and resources available to all breeds and breeders.
Breeders agree to do their utmost to bring only puppies into this world who will have a lifetime of love, that will not end up in rescue or shelter situations. Breeders agree to screen homes and make sure they are an appropriate fit for their puppies. In the event that one of their puppies is unable to stay in their original home, they will ensure that they have the puppy returned to them or are placed in a new responsible home.
Breeders will not engage in breeding for wholesale. Under no circumstances will a breeder sell a puppy through a retail pet sales outlet (ie pet store, broker), or third party of any sort.
Breeders will only use photographs of dogs that they own, have used for stud service or have permission to use.
If a member has a concern with another member, that issue should be addressed to the Board of Directors. Any confirmed report of animal cruelty, neglect, or official convictions levied against them will result in immediate club membership removal and forfeiture of all dues paid.
Any current APKC® member who violates any of the above regulations will have their membership revoked without a refund of the membership fee.
Any breeder seeking to join the APKC® must align their kennel practices to the Code of Ethics. If the kennel program cannot be aligned, the APKC® reserves the right to decline membership requests.
- American Pomsky Kennel Club(APKC)®