We had a fantastic show, with the assistance of so many volunteers.

Special thanks go to:

Kori O’Connor, SouthPaw Pomskies, for pre-show graphics work and taking over 2000 images of the show!

Brian and Dee Stotts, Monarch Pomskies, for generously providing printed banners and donating the first print of the APKC 101 Booklet.

Lexy Hedgecock, LJ Kennels, for her presentations on Progesterone Testing and AI demonstration.

Lauren Schreiber, Arctic Tails Spits and APCK Director of Members, for her Temperament testing, training class and also transporting a huge amount of gear back to the west coast for the next show!

Nancy Murphy, M&L Pomskies, for her presentation and Q&A on Pomskies getting into Dog Sports, Agility, and more.

Lori Connolly, TLC Pomskies and APKC® Treasurer/Legal, was instrumental for the successful running of this show.

Nicole Warner, Emerald View Pomskies, was the original brainchild of the Pittsburgh show.

Kim Baumann, KP Pomskies and APKC VP, for her hard work in the organization behind the scenes.

In addition to the above people who worked so tirelessly, we had several people who stepped in to help us set up and take down the event:

Meaghan with GrizzLee Bears Perfect Pomskies. The Stotts family stepped in to help us take down signs and stanchions. Kori’s husband - Gavyn - was roped into several menial tasks and was the primary photographer for the event. Amanda with Hemlock Pines Pomsky helped with the setup. A new breeder, Granite State Pomskies, drove from 14 hours away to attend the event and then lent a helping hand for set down. Julie Brickhouse, Brickhouse Couture Pomskies, and her family helped us pack everything away.

Please forgive me if I neglected to mention anyone!

EVENT: October 12-13, 2024 - Pittsburgh PA

Below are just a few images of thousands taken at the event, in no particular order.