First Female Puppy Heat (Period)

My vet told me to wait until after my little girl’s first heat cycle…


What to expect?

Some vets (about 25% from what we see) will suggest that a female go through her first heat cycle to ensure that all growth hormones have had the opportunity to complete. This can be a difficult time for puppy parents because the hormones are raging, and the female can be clingy, whiny, nauseous and can also be snippy as she doesn’t feel well.

What can you do?

Give her extra loving as she deals with something she’s never experienced before, if that’s what she wants. Some people will provide calming treats or pain management (in the form of a CBD treat) if it becomes a lot for the puppy to handle.

You will also need to consider how you will manage the mess. First time heat cycles for puppies are MESSY. There will be drips and smears of blood everywhere because the puppies do not understand what’s going on and do not clean themselves as they should. Wearing a doggie diaper is best and most convenient for you. You can get the washable kind with removable pads. Or get the disposable kind that are very similar to children’s disposable diapers. As you do, be sure to clean her well between changes and to watch out for off smells or foul discharge.

How long does it last?

Heat cycles run almost a full month. From the time the vulva begins to swell, to the time the blood appears is often at least a week. Once the blood appears, she will bleed for approximately 5-9 days. Start counting the days at the first sight of blood.

Do NOT let her in public, off leash, or unattended in a backyard (including your own fence) until at least day 25, as this is her fertile period. Her smell will bring all of the intact males to her and they often can easily navigate over/under/around fences. Do not underestimate their desire to get to your baby - there are many stories about males that have broken through doors and crates for a female.

After day 27 and when her vulva reduces in swelling, then it is safe to proceed as you normally would.

The “after first heat spay“ is something that is a little controversial, as it does provide benefits (allowing the finalization of growth hormones), but also provides challenges in that it is surprisingly easy for random male dogs to get to fertile females. They can tie/mate within seconds. Many breeders suggest for the puppies to be spayed/neutered around 6-8 months of age for this reason. It’s generally right before their first heat cycle.


Pomskies (or any other breed) should never be bred on their first heat cycle. It’s the same as a 12 year old girl being pregnant. Their bodies are capable but they still do not have the body growth and pelvic width necessary to safely birth babies. They can but it’s much more difficult on them and can result in death of puppies and of the too-young mother or very expensive ($2000-4000) emergency C-section.

With an accidental mating, you can get a mismatch shot by your vet that causes the fetus to abort. You would also need to notify your breeder as breeders have a strict puppy contract with spay/neuter clauses. Many of them also state very high fines for puppy litters, including accidental litters. By notifying your breeder in advance of any possible accidents, you may be able to circumvent legal action for the accident should you continue the pregnancy.

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Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Kim started breeding Pomskies 4 years ago. With her background in education and adult training, it shows with the topics she tackles.

How I Tackled Multiple Litters


Litterbox Training