Knowledge Base

Breeding Costs
Breeder, Public, Member Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Breeder, Public, Member Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Breeding Costs

Many people are surprised with the cost of Pomsky puppies. The range of people selling Pomskies can be $800-$6000.

Why is there such a range? Why do some breeders charge more than others?

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How to Successfully Crate Train
Member, Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Member, Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

How to Successfully Crate Train

Crate training is vital for puppies. Some may think it’s cruel, but while your puppy learns house rules, it is vital for keeping them out of trouble.

It would only take one electrical wire chewed to be devastating to your family. Crate training will also prepare your puppy for the vet and groomer, where crates are used for the protection of the dog.

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