Pomsky Weights

How much should Pomskies weigh?

There are 1) Micro, 2) Mini, and 3) Standard size categories for Pomskies, each with their own weight range.

Weights can be between 5-40lbs. Also, Pomskies are naturally more bone dense and weigh more than many other breeds. The best way to determine how much your Pomsky should weigh is by their Body Condition Index.

Why is this important?

Pomskies are bred to be athletic dogs. If you think they are a bit chunky, or if your vet says they are, then you need to take steps to ensure that your beloved pet gets back to a healthy weight. Overweight dogs experience far more health issues than ideal weight dogs. It can decrease your Pomsky’s life expectancy by up to 3 years! Some of these issues include:

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Osteoarthritis, especially in the hip/knees

  • Orthopedic problems

  • Skin disease

  • Heart and Respiratory Disease


Ideal body condition, you should be able to lightly see your dog’s ribs. If they have a plush or wooly coat, you should be able to easily feel the ribs. Below is a graphic created specifically for Pomskies and ideal body condition:

APKC Pomsky BCI Green Square Watermark FINAL.png

If your Pomsky weighs more than the “ideal” condition above, we’ve gathered 9 things that you can do to help them manage their weight.

(Disclaimer: Speak first with your vet before implementing any dietary changes):
  • Rule out any medical conditions with your vet, in the form of a check-up and/or blood test

  • Work with your vet to put them on a reduced calorie diet

  • Adding in low calorie, high fiber items, like canned no salt green beans is often suggested by vets

  • Taking them on a longer walk, 15-20% more helps!

  • Teaching them fetch, using a flirt pole, dog park or doggie play dates for more exercise

  • Breaking up the 2 larger meals into smaller more frequent meals

  • Check the quality of your food: If it’s lower quality it will have more carbs and fillers

  • Treats do count and add up quickly, so using a soft treat that you can cut into smaller pieces will help reduce that caloric intake

  • Peanut butter is also high calorie, so look into other options like no-sodium broth or plain canned 100% pure pumpkin to freeze in Kongs instead

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Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Kim started breeding Pomskies 4 years ago. With her background in education and adult training, it shows with the topics she tackles.


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