Knowledge Base

Breeding Costs
Breeder, Public, Member Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Breeder, Public, Member Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Breeding Costs

Many people are surprised with the cost of Pomsky puppies. The range of people selling Pomskies can be $800-$6000.

Why is there such a range? Why do some breeders charge more than others?

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Breeder American Pomsky Kennel Club Breeder American Pomsky Kennel Club


Attention Breeders: Have you wanted to ship your puppy internationally but found it daunting? Check out this interview with Mischa Nelson, Brookside Pomsky, who is a PRO at it!

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Tube Feeding
Breeder Jean, JD Pomskies Breeder Jean, JD Pomskies

Tube Feeding

When should you tube feed a puppy? How do you tube feed a puppy?

This article discusses the steps you should take when considering tube feeding.

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DNA Lessons Learned: Breed & Health
Breeder, Public American Pomsky Kennel Club Breeder, Public American Pomsky Kennel Club

DNA Lessons Learned: Breed & Health

In recent years, DNA Breed Identification tests have become available to the public and have grown in popularity. As breeders of a newly emerging breed, we were thrilled to be able to use science to prove our legitimacy and to help gain a positive reputation within the online breeder community.

We had a unique opportunity to speak with a genetic expert with 30+ years of experience and currently working at one of the major DNA test companies. After this lengthy and frank conversation, we came to a startling understanding…

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