Pomsky Scammers & Websites

Common Warning Flags:

  1. PRICE. Pomsky puppies that’s under $2500 are most likely a scam in the current COVID market. Some may be lower priced at under $2500 but tend not to be health tested and very low quality.

  2. SHIPPING. Cargo shipping isn’t available in the US (Canada can still use Cargo)

  3. DISCOUNT. Offering 50% off?  Scam.

  4. Language is off, worded oddly

  5. AKC papers:  Pomskies are not recognized yet.

  6. Do they have a matching Facebook page and Instagram account? 

  7. Only pictures of puppies ready to go home. You don’t see “the journey” of a puppy from newborn to 8 weeks.

  8. Pictures of a single puppy, cannot produce pictures of mom/dad/siblings (ask for something like paper with the current date)

  9.  Pomsky puppies are released at 8 weeks right now, it’d be highly unusual to have 10 week old puppies available.

  10. Payments with Gift cards, Western Union, Walmart, etc.

This doesn’t cover Puppy Mills


If a breeder is advertising more than 4 breeds, chances are they are a puppy mill. 


There’s tons of information on Google. Do your due diligence.

Also Consider Reporting to:

petscams.com/report-pet-scam-websites tracks complaints, catalogues puppy scammers and endeavors to get fraudulent pet sales websites taken down.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
reportfraud.ftc.gov to file a complaint online or call 877-FTC-Help. Better Business Bureau - BBB Scam Tracker to report a scam online.

Canadian Antifraud Centre
antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca or call 1-888-495-8501 for scams involving Canada. Your credit card issuer - if you provided your credit card number, even if the transaction was not completed.