Knowledge Base

AKC Registration vs. AKC Canine Partners
Not to be confused with the AKC Registration for purebreds, there is a program that AKC offers for dogs of all mixes. The purpose behind this program is that there are dogs of many different breeds that are excellent at a number of sports. Dock diving, agility, nose work, and obedience certificates, etc.

Social Distancing and Pomsky Puppyhood
here’s nothing like a Pomsky puppy kiss to help with the mental impact of social distancing! Plus, with many of us working from home, it’s the perfect time to introduce a puppy into our lives, right Well… yes and no!

Understanding Canine Genetics
The sum of a dog’s genetic material can be thought of as a cook book which is split into chapters containing recipes. These recipes are the dog's genes and the letters that make up each recipe is its DNA. Just as a recipe can be used to make a dish of food, a gene can be used to make a protein, a building block of a dog's body.