Knowledge Base

Tube Feeding
Breeder Jean, JD Pomskies Breeder Jean, JD Pomskies

Tube Feeding

When should you tube feed a puppy? How do you tube feed a puppy?

This article discusses the steps you should take when considering tube feeding.

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DNA Lessons Learned: Breed & Health
Breeder, Public American Pomsky Kennel Club Breeder, Public American Pomsky Kennel Club

DNA Lessons Learned: Breed & Health

In recent years, DNA Breed Identification tests have become available to the public and have grown in popularity. As breeders of a newly emerging breed, we were thrilled to be able to use science to prove our legitimacy and to help gain a positive reputation within the online breeder community.

We had a unique opportunity to speak with a genetic expert with 30+ years of experience and currently working at one of the major DNA test companies. After this lengthy and frank conversation, we came to a startling understanding…

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Puppy Weaning
Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Puppy Weaning

Weaning puppies is a transition. This article discusses how to wean your puppies safely.

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How I Tackled Multiple Litters
Breeder Rachel Pizzato, Golden State Pomskies Breeder Rachel Pizzato, Golden State Pomskies

How I Tackled Multiple Litters

If you’re a breeder with multiple females, it’s bound to happen to you….more than one female pregnant at a time. How do you handle it?

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Setting up your Whelping Box
Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Setting up your Whelping Box

Your whelping box is one of the most important and most used tools in your arsenal as a breeder. There’s a few factors you will need to consider as you are planning your whelping area.

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Weaning Pen
Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Weaning Pen

Around 4 weeks of age, Pomsky puppies are being weaned by their mother, and they are ready to begin exploring their world. Most likely they have climbed out of the whelping box (if your walls are 12” high). So now what? How do you give them more places to explore safely…

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How to Successfully Crate Train
Member, Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Member, Breeder Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

How to Successfully Crate Train

Crate training is vital for puppies. Some may think it’s cruel, but while your puppy learns house rules, it is vital for keeping them out of trouble.

It would only take one electrical wire chewed to be devastating to your family. Crate training will also prepare your puppy for the vet and groomer, where crates are used for the protection of the dog.

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Treat at Home or See the Vet?
Breeder, Member Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies) Breeder, Member Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Treat at Home or See the Vet?

We have Pomskies. Pomskies get into trouble, mischief or have accidents. Sometimes these are things we can take care of at home, other times it requires a vet visit. How do you know when to treat your dog at home for minor things and when to run to the vet?

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